21 September 2011

Observation #1

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
Ben Franklin

     Today was my first observation of the many I will have during my student teaching year. I am not going to lie, I was nervous. The best part of the whole experience came yesterday followed by after the observation today. Yesterday one of my mentor teachers, Heather, informed my eighth graders that I would be teaching class today and that MY teacher would be coming in to watch me teach them. I was met with "good luck" from around the room. It was heart warming to hear from these students who I have not even had by myself yet but have been in their room watching them and circulating the room. When I first walked in and was standing at the head of the class I had to tell the students they had assigned seats now. The students had all received their school pictures yesterday so they all got their student id's as well. When they walked in and realized I had all of their old pictures I had one of my girls want to run and go grab her new id so she could show me her new school picture.
     This morning, when I actually took over their class and led them through the power point of Bacon's Rebellion and The Salem Witch Trials we had a discussion about how it was determined the women were witches. When the class was over and my eighth graders were leaving a couple of my kids left me with the words, "You did great Ms. S." It was great to hear, especially because it was my first time.
     Twice now I have been asked by students in my classes, my 10th grade English class & my 8th grade U.S. history class, if I am going to be teaching at their school next year. I am glad they want me back. I am so glad that I am doing this, the joy that I get from being in their rooms and being with the kids makes my day. I can tell I am happier for this and some days I realize how blessed I am. And then I have to go back to my "paying" job... Oh being an adult.

13 September 2011

There for me

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible 
and wisest of counselors,  and the most patient of teachers."
-Charles W. Eliot

     The journey is beginning and at some junctures I do not know which way to look. I try my best to make the decisions that would make someone proud. But who am I aiming to please? Who am I working towards all of this for? This is what I have worked for, but how sure am I that I did it this quickly or the way that I did all for me. 
     I wish that I had made a few choices differently. But would I be here. Sitting in a classroom. I love the people around me. The students are fantastic and I am so excited to get into my own classroom. The ideas are there, practice to come.
The people who are meant to be there are. I try to make the changes I need, but what I need is someone to be there.
When "Wendy" died almost two years ago now, I lost that person. I lost my other half.
     I have a hole in my heart where she was. Her voice, her laugh, her advice. I miss the days of sitting and not having to say anything.
     I wish that she could have helped me in the decisions I had to make. I wish that she could have helped me work things out. Maybe I would have had ended things that do not work sooner.
