Well, this is way overdue. I am now the building sub at the school I interned at! Super exciting, 1) Because I actually have a paying job, 2) Because I know all the kids from last year.
So here is the aggravating part. Seventh graders. Well, not so much seventh graders, as much as the fact that I am thrust into any room and just supposed "to know." So, this whole week, and some of last, I have been teaching Math class. Anyone who knows me... or ANYTHING about me, I do not do math. Well, I have been the sub in a 7th grade math and Integrated Algebra class. OH GOD. I couldn't do fractions in school, and now I am supposed to teach fractions to seventh graders? On top of teaching graphing two lines in slop-intercept form to find a solution?! HELP! I made it through. And I have two more days next week. Let's just hope that the days go quickly.. these seventh graders are trying my patience.